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#DM Series Mass Appeal Sleeveless Mens Biker Shirts
Sleeveless Mens Biker Shirts

Sleeveless Mens Biker Shirts with frayed edging around the arm opening.

Please call the store for updated sizes and quantities.

Colors and Sizes:
DM1001 - Denim
DM1002 - Black
DM1003 - Orange
DM1006 - Purple
DM4004 - Charcoal
DM4005 - Beige
DM4006 - White
DM999 - Black with Orange Trim

Sizes available depend on color.

$18.95 Each
$2.00 more per X over XL

Pricing includes a one color one location imprint.
Minimum order of 12 pieces.

Available in the following
NOTE: Moving forward will give you prices, ink colors, location of art/logos and quotes

Please call the store to order this item.

Toll-Free 800-345-5432

BeigeBlackBlack/OrangeCharcoalDenimJungle CamoOrangePurpleRedSand CamoWhite
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The prices shown are per item and subject to change without notice.